

The luxury goods industry is showing surprising resilience to the Covid 19 pandemic. At least the number of important international industrial events such as trade fairs or shows can be cited as an indicator; they are almost back to 2019 levels. In addition, compared to the previous year the proportion of online events will decrease in 2021. A pleasing hint of an analog "back-to-normal".

The start of vaccinations gives hope that trade fairs, shows and conferences will be less threatened by short-term cancellations in the second half of the year. In the long run, however, the pandemic may nonetheless lead to major changes in the formats of such international events - smaller, more decentralised, cheaper. For example, some larger luxury players have already started to concentrate more on in-house exhibitions. Even before the appearance of Covid-19, the discussion about the future raison d'être of classical trade fairs and shows in the watch, automotive or fashion industries had already picked up speed.

TBTL is pleased to provide you with the latest update on the events of the luxury goods industry. It is available for download here: Luxury Industry Events 2021. Please let us know if we have forgotten something.

I look forward to seeing you at one or the other occasion. Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting.

All the best in 2021!­



­The Bridge To Luxury (TBTL) is an international strategy consultancy firm, focusing exclusively on high-end brands, products and services. TBTL and its global network support owners, management and investors on luxury related topics: market assessments and research, strategy and branding, product development, communications including social media, distribution and internationalization, organization and restructuring, business modelling and evaluation, m&a.

To find out more: www.thebridgetoluxury.com­

­­The Bridge To Luxury
Keppgrundstrasse 18
01259 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49 351 2002 444

­The Bridge To Luxury (TBTL) believes the information in this report are accurate and complete. Information presented were obtained or derived from sources TBTL believes are reliable, but TBTL makes no representations as to their accuracy or completeness.­