Marko founded Swiss Watch Gang in 2016 and today reaches hundreds of thousands of people per week. He is a passionate content creator and collector of watches who has turned his love of watchmaking and marketing into his own business.

1. Briefly describe your childhood.

I had a wonderful childhood. Growing up in our house we had a lot of space on our property and really lived life outside the house more than inside. I used to play a lot of soccer with my friends and was constantly out and about. There is a big plus in being born in the early 90s as you experience life without- and with PCs and later on social media. I am lucky enough that my grandparents and my dad who are still alive let me chop wood with an axe and shoot the BB gun and just live a happy childhood. I really am lucky to have had such a beautiful childhood which definitely shaped me as a man.

2. As a child, did you have any driving ambition?

As a child, I was all over the place, but I always knew that I want to attend a gymnasium (European high school where you need good grades) and I knew which university I wanted to go to. Since I was a child, I somehow wanted to work as a simultaneous interpreter which later on never happened because the university that I attended for that purpose was boring and I lost all interest.

3. What is your first significant memory as a child?

How close we were as a family and still are.

4. Have you ever had another profession?

I never really had a profession since I dropped out of university in my first year and gymnasium (European school system) does not really leave you with a profession. I worked at many different jobs just to earn money but I became fully independent when 25 years old, which really started my path and profession that I was working towards in my early twenties.

5. What made you decide to go in the direction you are currently in?

As soon as I dropped out of college, I was on a spiral of figuring out what I want to do with my professional life and with a lot of trial and error and many, many books later I found my calling. Because I read a lot of self-help books on how to developing your potential and how to become successful mixed with tons of videos and a few seminars, I finally found my way and started my marketing agency.

6. What’s the worst job you’ve had to do?

I think each job teaches you something. The worst I did was washing dishes in a restaurant for a very short period and also being a waiter. But also those jobs made me grateful and whilst I was a waiter I knew, and I constantly spoke to myself «you are better than this». So, in general, I think there are no bad jobs IF you know how to make them good.

7. What’s been the hardest moment in your life so far, and how did you overcome it?

Apart from death, which is something we all encounter, I have a different way on looking onto hard moments. Because of my mindset, I am almost blind to these hard moments and I look at everything as a learning opportunity or a step in the process. Whenever I had hard moments in my company, I just know that the only way to solve them is to work. Sometimes you need to find some other activities to relax a bit but often solving problems and getting over a hard phase in your life is solved by working on that problem and getting over the hurdle as soon as you can.

8. Who has had the strongest influence on you?

Definitely my parents, my mom in particular and also my uncle from a business standpoint. In terms of people who I don't know I really love to listen and learn from Jim Rohn, Dale Carnegie and Les Brown.

9. What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of the great relationship we have with my family since in the long-term, that is something that really makes life rich. I am also proud of not giving up on my dreams and always persevering on whatever I set my mind to.

10. What advice would you give to a 20 something someone thinking of taking a similar path as you?

I would advise him to read all the 100 books that I did and to be open-minded to different approaches of achieving a goal. I would tell that person to always stay as positive as you can since the world and our surroundings are doing a great job at questioning our path on a daily basis. I would say that being nice gets you a long way but also to be smart and convert your time and skills into a service you can pay your bills with as soon as possible.

11. Name three things on your bucket list.

  • staying healthy and happy

  • spending time with my family and friends

  • achieving financial freedom

12. Where do you think the industry is going to be in 10 years time?

Bigger, more watch brands on the market and stronger.